Harvest Festival at Church
28 September 2016
On Thursday September 28th we all went down to St Mary Magdalene Church to celebrate our Harvest Festival.
We began with a welcome from Mrs Hopkins followed by an introduction from Year 6.
Holly Class treated us to a Harvest Poem about the big red combine harvester and sang us a lovely song.
Oak Class acted out a short play that taught us all about why we celebrate Harvest Festival and how we should be thankful to God for all the things that grow across the world.
We found out about ’Harvest around the World’ from Class 3 who also entertained us with a harvest rumba.
Rev Beverley ended the service with a Blessing.
As always we were overwhelmed by the generous gifts of produce and money in the collection. Mrs Hopkins and two of our pupils delivered 53 Harvest Boxes to Dove Cottage following the service. Our families were extremely generous; the boxes were very heavy and beautifully decorated by the children.
Once we had finished our Harvest festival. Each class gave their thanks to Rev Beverley for all the hard work and fun she has given us while at Waltham-on-the-Wolds. We wished her good luck in her retirement and in her new home.
Thank you for everything you have done for us Reverend Beverley. We will miss you!