Q12: How does the school identify and assess Special Educational Needs?
Key indicators are:
- Progress is significantly slower than that of their peers
- A child's rate of progress is slowing down significantly
- Failure to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
- A more able child demonstrates significant widening of the attainment gap.
In school we use a variety of different ways to assess whether a child or young person has special educational needs. Some of these ways include:
- Observations
- Assessments: those done in class and by support specialists
- School based test results/tracking and monitoring
- Information from parents and carers
- Information from the child or young person
- Workbooks
- Information from previous schools or settings
- Results from end of key stage assessments
- Discussions with adults who work with the child or young person.
Once a child or young person is identified as having a special educational need, a graduated approach to support is taken. The child or young person's needs will first be assessed, then support will be planned, carried out and then reviewed. At the review any necessary changes will be made. We set individual targets with the child, which are reviewed together on a weekly basis.