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01664 464269 Arbor

β€˜Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Sessions, Fees and Funding

Opening Hours

Waltham Pre-school operates 38 weeks a year, Monday – Friday; term time only. We are open during the hours of 8.30am and 4.00pm.



Bookings for all Pre-school children should be made via the Pre-school Booking form, and for funded children, a Parental Statement of Undertaking must also be completed.  Booking forms are completed in advance for a full term or part-term if a child joins mid-way through the term. All forms are accessible below or via the school office: 01664 464269/


All funded hours or privately paid bookings must be booked in the following blocks:


Morning session no lunch

8.30 – 12.00

3.5 hours

Morning session with lunch

8.30 – 1.00

4.5 hours

Afternoon session with lunch

12.00 – 4.00

4 hours

Afternoon session no lunch

1.00 – 4.00

3 hours

Full day


7.5 hours





If all sessions are fully booked, then a waiting list process will be implemented and we will contact you as soon as an opening becomes available.

Early Education Entitlement (FEEE)


The term after their third birthday, children become entitled to 570 hours government funded Early Education Entitlement funding (FEEE funding). There is also an extended offer of 1140 hours for working families, if they meet the government criteria, which goes towards child care over a period of 38 weeks a year (equates to 15/30 hours per week). 



Children who are 3 between:

Are eligible for funding from:

1st  April and 31st  August

1st  September

1st  September and 31st December

1st January

1st  January and 31st  March

1st April


Your child can access a minimum of 15 hours of FEEE at Waltham Pre-school, but please note the following rules apply:


  • You can take no more than 10 hours in any one day.
  • You can’t use less than 2.5 hours in any one day.
  • You can access your 15 hours between 7.00am and 7.00pm.
  • You can spread your 15 hours free early learning entitlement between a maximum of two providers. In cases of over claims the local authority will determine how your payments are split between the two providers.
  • Your child must be in attendance for all of the funded time claimed for by your early years provider, unless there is a valid reason such as illness or holiday.
  • In order to access your hours you must ensure you sign a Parental Statement of Undertaking (PSOU) for the setting each term and provide the setting with proof of your child’s age with either a document such as a birth certificate, passport, or medical card.


You do not need to apply for the 15 hours per week funding, the preschool will do this on your behalf and will let you know when it is time. 

For more information:



For more information about the 30 hours per week funding please visit:


Funded Child Care Places


Non-Funded Sessions


The hourly rate charged by Pre-school for non-funded hours will is £5.25 per hour; parents/carers are invoiced via your Arbor account as we are a cashless setting.  Lunch will be charged at a daily rate of £2.55.  Lunches should be booked in advance via your Arbor account.



Government Funded Places

Non-funded Places

(£5.25 per hour)

Morning session no lunch

8.30-12.00 (3.5 hours)



Morning session with lunch

8.30 – 1.00 (4.5 hours)

£2.35 for hot dinner only if required

£23.62 (packed lunch)

£25.97 (hot dinner)

Afternoon session with lunch


(4 hours)

£2.35 for hot dinner only if required

£21 (packed lunch)

£23.35 (hot dinner)

Afternoon session no lunch


(3 hours)



Full day


(7.5 hours)

Equates to 4 full days with extended 30-hour entitlement


£2.35 for hot dinner only if required

£39.40 (packed lunch)

£41.75 (hot dinner)

Fees payable will be reviewed annually by the Local Governing Body.



2 Year Old Free Early Education


If your child is between 2 and 3 years of age, you have an income below £16,190 and are claiming one of the following benefits, you could be eligible for a free early education place with a childcare provider:


  • Income Support
  • Income based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit
  • National Asylum Seekers Support
  • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit
  • Employments and Support Allowance - Income Related only
  • Working Tax Credit (with a family income of less than £16,190 as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs)


Maximum of 15 hours per week claimed via childcare provider.


Parent/carer to apply for confirmation of eligibility via (external link).

Links to support parents with childcare costs
