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01664 464269 Arbor

‘Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Q4: How will you keep my child safe?

Gates and doors are locked appropriately.


We have a signing in and out system for visitors at the main office.


Teachers register children in the morning and phone calls are made to parents if a child is not in school and we are unaware of the reason for absence. Teachers also sign each child out at the end of the day when they can see the parent waiting. Senior staff stand at the gate to ensure no child leaves the premises without their parent or named adult who is known to us. A member of staff escorts children to the taxi.


All staff are trained in Safeguarding/Child Protection and all teachers have been First Aid trained.


Training for Asthma and use of epi-pen is provided by the school nurse when needed.


We have a rigorous health and safety monitoring programme which includes fire risk assessment.


Staff are fully trained to take children out on trips and all safety risks are assessed.
