This can include:
Understanding language
Using language
Understanding how to communicate and interact socially
Speech delay or difficulties with speech sounds
Dysfluency (stammering)
Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Asperger’s Syndrome
What can Waltham offer?
For all children at Waltham School
Quality first teaching with appropriate differentiation through planning, organisation, delivery, task, outcome, support and resources
A distinctly Christian ethos that promotes British and Christian values, character education and inclusivity
Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes
Focused and modelled group work with teacher / support staff e.g. systematic phonics and writing
Additional in class support from an adult
Access to clubs, including sport
Regular feedback and praise
A curriculum that promotes speaking listening, drama, debates, etc to encourage talk and conversation.
Small class sizes
Opportunities to take on leadership roles, e.g. Worship leaders, sports ambassadors
Access to medical support including school nurse
Equipment e.g. audio devices, audio books, word processors
Modified worksheets
A large outdoor space, including several playgrounds, a field, quiet areas, vegetable garden, etc
Active playtimes including optional organised group activities with our sports apprentice and play leaders
Visual timetables and visual learning aids, e.g. emotion picture cards
Structured class and school routines
A structured phonics approach to teaching reading and literacy (Sounds Write)
Individual learning targets
Support for targeted groups of children at Waltham may include:
Talk Boost
Phonics and reading groups
Time to talk intervention, e.g. board games, treasure hunts
Year 6 secondary transition programme
Targeted individual support at Waltham may include:
Facilitating in-school direct teaching from speech and language therapists
1:1 support to practise speech following guidance from the therapist
1:1 support in class and at break times