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01664 464269 Arbor

‘Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


This can include:

  • Understanding language

  • Using language

  • Understanding how to communicate and interact socially

  • Speech delay or difficulties with speech sounds

  • Dysfluency (stammering)

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Asperger’s Syndrome


What can Waltham offer?


For all children at Waltham School

  • Quality first teaching with appropriate differentiation through planning, organisation, delivery, task, outcome, support and resources

  • A distinctly Christian ethos that promotes British and Christian values, character education and inclusivity

  • Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes

  • Focused and modelled group work with teacher / support staff e.g. systematic phonics and writing

  • Additional in class support from an adult

  • Access to clubs, including sport

  • Regular feedback and praise

  • A curriculum that promotes speaking listening, drama, debates, etc to encourage talk and conversation.

  • Small class sizes

  • Opportunities to take on leadership roles, e.g. Worship leaders, sports ambassadors

  • Access to medical support including school nurse

  • Equipment e.g. audio devices, audio books, word processors

  • Modified worksheets

  • A large outdoor space, including several playgrounds, a field, quiet areas, vegetable garden, etc

  • Active playtimes including optional organised group activities with our sports apprentice and play leaders

  • Visual timetables and visual learning aids, e.g. emotion picture cards

  • Structured class and school routines

  • A structured phonics approach to teaching reading and literacy (Sounds Write)

  • Individual learning targets 


Support for targeted groups of children at Waltham may include:

  • Talk Boost

  • Phonics and reading groups

  • Time to talk intervention, e.g. board games, treasure hunts

  • Year 6 secondary transition programme


Targeted individual support at Waltham may include:

  • Facilitating in-school direct teaching from speech and language therapists

  • 1:1 support to practise speech following guidance from the therapist

  • 1:1 support in class and at break times
