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Enabling children to flourish and succeed

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Tag-Rugby Event - Years 3 & 4 and 5 & 6

    Fri 05 Jul 2024

    A fantastic day was had at the Melton & Vale Tag-Rugby event, the final sporting event of the year. Both age-groups enjoyed developing their rugby skills in the sunshine. The Y5/6 team finished 5th in what was a very competitive and strong group of teams. They displayed some brilliant team work and togetherness throughout, and scored some fantastic tries. The Y3/4 team were crowned champions after going through the event undefeated. A big well done to all involved and thank you to the parent volunteers for making it possible to take both age-groups, and to all of our parent volunteers that have supported with events this academic year. The benefits of sporting events will always go beyond playing the sport itself.

  • Y5/6 Netball – rain abandoned play

    Fri 14 Jun 2024

    Our netballers went to Longfield for a great event that supports the development of footwork, passing, intercepting, shooting, and all-round understanding of the game. We had a win, a defeat, some very wet clothing (sorry parents) and lots of smiles despite the rain unfortunately stopping play early. Well done all and thank you to our parent volunteers for transporting and supporting the team. 

  • Y3/4 & Y5/6 Tennis – 2nd Place

    Fri 14 Jun 2024

    A brilliant week of tennis for Waltham at Melton Mowbray Tennis Club. All children received lots of court time to develop their tennis ability and understanding of the game, as well as demonstrate important school games values such as honesty and respect. Up first on the clay courts were our Y5/6 team who competed so well in all of their matches. They narrowly missed out on winning the competition, just 3 points separated them and Brownlow. 


    Next up we had the Waltham Wolfpack, Wombats and Wizards. 8 teams were split into two groups with each player from each team playing 3 timed tiebreaks. Following the group stage, a final was played between the group winners which was Sherard against Waltham Wizards. A closely fought final with one- or two-points separating match wins, but it was Sherard who came away 3.1 winners. 


    A huge well done to all children involved in representing Waltham so well on the tennis courts  and thank you to our parent volunteers for transporting and supporting.  

  • Girls Cricket - 1st place

    Fri 14 Jun 2024

    A fantastic day at Melton Mowbray Cricket Club where the girls showcased some brilliant batting, bowling, catching and fielding skills. The team began against Brownlow where they came away 95 - 75 winners. They backed up a brilliant first performance with victories against Bottesford (79-60) and Old Dalby (101-56). Heading into the final game, the girls were aware that if they remained unbeaten, they would finish as champions. A calm and collected 69-44 win against The Grove crowned them as area winners and an opportunity to go to Grace Road Cricket Ground to represent Melton & Belvoir in the County Finals. Very proud of the group for the way they encouraged and supported each other, and great to see each players confidence increase as time went on. Well done and thank you again to our parent volunteers. 

  • KS2 Quicksticks Hockey

    Fri 03 May 2024 Miss Griffin

    A great day was had at the hockey where 21 teams enjoyed competing in the sunshine. Waltham Y3/4 (4th place, 2nd-4th separated on goal difference) and Y5/6 (6th place) both in the excel events for their age groups, did a brilliant job of working together as a team. Games were won, lost and drawn, resilience and perseverance gained, and the biggest of smiles on show when goals were scored. With each game came greater understanding of the rules, positioning and improved handling of the stick which contributed to both teams finishing with wins against Redmile. Special mention to Charlie S for picking up a ‘Spirit of the Games’ award, nominated by an opposition team, for demonstrating fair-play. Well done to all involved and a big thank you to parent volunteers, the support allowed both age-groups the opportunity to compete. 🏑 🌟 


    For those interested, there is junior hockey training 6-7pm on Wednesday evenings at Melton Sports Village. More information can be found on the Melton Hockey Club website. 

  • Rise Voices

    Mon 29 Apr 2024

    On Monday 29th April, we held our biggest and best Rise Voices event.

    We gathered 434 Year 4 pupils from across the 26 Rise schools together to sing in harmony at the Mattioli Arena.

    The pupils did their schools and families proud as they sung a series of songs linked to books and the love of reading. Each school produced a short video to share their vision, values and celebrate the books that children were enjoying. This performance was the first as an ensemble because pupils had only rehearsed in their individual schools.

    The audience of over 750 family and friends were suitably impressed with amazing work of their children. One grandparent said, ‘That was wonderful. I cannot believe that was the first time they had sung together. What a tremendous effort.’

    Mark Cole CEO, ‘What a night. The pupils were fantastic. The school staff worked so hard both before and during the event. As a trust, we often bring staff together but we also treasure events like this where we can show children and their families what can be achieved when we come together as a family of schools’.

    Rise would also like to thank Leicestershire Music Service, for their exceptional support, guidance and the live band and the sponsors who helped contribute to the event.

  • Yr. 3/4 Boys Football - 3rd Place

    Fri 26 Apr 2024 Miss Griffin

    A great day of school sport last Monday with 15 teams taking part in what was true footballing conditions. Waltham began their group campaign with a thrilling goalless draw against Sherard. Some brilliant passages of play on show and two fantastic saves from Theo in the Waltham goal. Wins followed against Bottesford (1.0) and Great Dalby (1.0), goals from Albert, to finish top of their group and qualify to play-off for 1st - 4th place. The next two matches were a tough test for our defensive unit, eventual winners Brownlow and runners-up Old Dalby played great football to both come away 3.0 winners. Waltham remained positive leading into the final game, a re-match against Great Dalby which saw a repeat of the 1.0 scoreline, Edison firing home to reward every players contribution in and out of possession. A great day for these boys to get a taste of competitive sport and develop their passing, dribbling, shooting, tracking of players and working together. A big thank you to Melton and Belvoir Sport, Mowbray Rangers Football Club, John Fernley Young Leaders and parents for transporting and supporting the team. 

  • County/National Cross Country Finals - Sunday 3rd March

    Fri 08 Mar 2024 Miss Griffin



    We had an amazing 10 children qualify to represent Melton & Belvoir at this years end of season combined County and National Cross-Country Finals. A special shout out to Hermione who qualified to represent Leicestershire. The children described the race as the muddiest and most challenging they have been a part of, but they all produced fantastic performances in what was an extremely high quality event, and they all came back with two trainers! Well done all, and thank you to everyone who has turned out for Cross-Country this year. 

  • Swimming Gala

    Fri 09 Feb 2024 Miss Griffin

    An amazing 16 schools supported 120 children with the opportunity to be a part of the Melton & Belvoir Swim Gala. An incredible atmosphere was created from schools positioned around the pool and spectators above, all cheering home each child that entered and exited the water. 


    Each child was required to swim 2 relays and 2 individual races made up of backstroke, breastroke, butterfly, and frontcrawl. Lane 5 saw team Waltham race purposeful for their school and their teammates, as well as the biggest of smiles. 


    Hugely proud of the efforts and attitudes that went into achieving a 6th place finish. A record finish in the pool for Waltham.


    A big thank you to Dawn, the Everyone Active team, Melton Swimming Baths, Melton and Belvoir Sport, and our parent volunteers. Special thanks to Mrs Smart for her support poolside. A truly brilliant school sport event that showcases children’s skill sets in the water and the importance of swimming as a life skill.

  • Ratcliffe College Primary Schools Cross Country Festival 2024 - Saturday 27th Jan.

    Fri 02 Feb 2024 Miss Griffin

    A record 17 runners turned out to represent team Waltham at this years Ratcliffe Cross-Country. It was a brilliant morning for children to develop their running engines, determination and perseverance when the going gets tough. The high levels of effort on show and even higher levels of support for each other helped produce amazing performances and 4 medal finishes. Huge well-done to all involved and a big thank you to the parents for getting the children to the start-line. 
