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01664 464269 Arbor

‘Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Inclusion and SEND

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information


At our school, we recognise that while some children have profound or moderate additional needs, most children will experience times when they may need some extra help. We celebrate the uniqueness of each individual and together with parents, the church and wider community, we seek to discover the potential within all our children, preparing them to be happy, aspirational, kind and responsible citizens within our diverse society.


We follow the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice 0-25 yrs, which came into effect in September 2014, ensuring that all pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are supported, regardless of their specific needs, to make the best possible progress in school. We ensure that all children are included in all areas of the curriculum, with the needs of SEND pupils carefully considered.


We have a graduated approach to SEND, ensuring early identification of needs and a continuum of support for children in order to enable them to make progress. Please refer to our SEND Policy, which outlines the purpose, nature and management of special educational needs within our school.


Below is a summary of what our school has to offer.

    Overview of our Provision


    We have a personalised intervention programme to ensure the needs of all learners are met. Across the school, our teachers and support staff are trained to provide interventions, where necessary, covering various curriculum areas. These include:


    • Additional Maths and English Support
    • Speech, Language and Communication Support
    • Social and Emotional Literacy Support
    • Gross and Fine Motor Support


    Throughout the year, we work with parents to help support their child with learning at home as well as help them understand how their child learns at school. This may include phonics, maths and language and communication, for example. We also provide information for parents of children with SEND and guide them to suitable support agencies as applicable.


    We have support from various outside agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, CAHMs Support Worker and School Nurse. We also receive support from the Autism and Early Years Intervention Team and the Behaviour Intervention Team as part of our extended SEND support. 


    Our SEND Governor supports the school in ensuring we meet the needs of all children with additional and special needs. Our SEND Governor is Anna Butler.


    To find out more about SEND in our school, you can contact our SENDCo, Mrs Emily Lloyd-Trewick, via the office email

    Admissions for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)


    The Local Authority will send the school copies of the child’s most recent EHCP which outlines the child’s needs. The school will assess the child’s needs and will consult with the local authority to determine whether the school can meet the child’s needs. We strongly encourage parents of children with an EHCP to visit the school and speak with the SENDCo if you are thinking of naming us in your child’s plan. This will allow us the opportunity to meet and discuss any questions and concerns you want to address in order for you to determine the most appropriate setting for your child.


    Admissions for children with additional needs and SEND

    If your child has additional needs or has SEND but no EHCP, please apply via the local authority’s normal admissions procedure. We still strongly encourage you to visit the school to have the appropriate discussions about your child’s needs and the suitability of the school to support your child.


    Additional Information

    The following link provides further information about special educational needs in schools: SEND Code of Practice


    The information on our website complies with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014 and is in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. This information is updated annually and any change to information occurring during the year is updated as soon as possible.

    Click on the questions below to find out more:

    SEND Query

    If you have any further queries about SEND, please use the form below to contact us.
