Executive Head Teacher's Welcome
As the proud Executive Head Teacher of Waltham-on-the-Wolds CE Primary School, I am delighted to welcome you to our website, which I hope will give you a little insight in to the life of our very special school.
We are a small village school set in a rural community, surrounded by the beautiful Vale of Belvoir countryside. We are proud of our school and its long heritage, serving and educating the children of the village of Waltham and its surrounding areas since at least 1844.
We were delighted to become an Academy within Rise Multi-Academy Trust on October 1st 2014. We enjoy very close links with our partner schools: Croxton Kerrial CE Primary School, Redmile CE Primary School, Wymondham CE Primary School and St Mary's, as well as with other Vale and Rise schools.
We provide a high standard of teaching and learning within a caring, Christian environment. We aim to nurture and encourage children to be confident and happy individuals who love life and love learning with their friends. We offer a wide and varied education delivered by dedicated staff, who will do all they can to help each child reach their full potential and prepare them well for each new step of their school journey.
Our school is very much part of the village and local community as we strongly believe that we can only achieve the best for our children with everyone working in partnership together. Our community benefits from our Pre-school and After School child care facility, which continue to support learning in a happy, safe environment, as well as strong links with the village church, parish council and village hall committee.
We have four full-time class teachers and four learning support assistants. Our pupils also benefit from the expertise of our visiting music teachers, French teacher and sports coaches, all of whom teach with us on a weekly basis and are very much part of the school. We also have a number of assistants and leaders who run our Pre-school, Breakfast Club and After School child care facility, school office and lunchtime supervision.
We have four classes, all vertically grouped: Holly Class (Reception) Willow Class (Year 1 and 2), Oak Class (Years 3 and 4) and Sycamore Class (Years 5 and 6). As a small school, we have a wonderful family atmosphere, where our children regularly work and play together; this is a really special quality of our school that we are very proud of.
Our vision centres around maximising the potential of all pupils and through working together as a team of staff, governors, parents, community and visiting friends of the school, our aim is to ensure that learning is exciting, relevant and fun and that our children are, above all, happy!
If you are a prospective parent looking for an admission place for your child, please contact us as we would be pleased to show you around. In the meantime, enjoy your exploration of our website and get in touch with us if there's anything else you need to know.
Mr Neil Bardsley
Executive Head Teacher