Mad Hair Day
4 January 2017
On Wednesday 4th January the whole school kick started the Spring Term Topic, Back to the Future, with a mad hair/inventors and scientist day.
Here, all the children and staff dressed as scientists and inventors and wore their hair in a crazy fashion. There was glitter and talcum powder everywhere!
The children were told that the teachers had made a special discovery the night before in their classrooms: some space eggs (ice balloons) had been mysteriously left for us to investigate! The children had to use their observation and scientific skills to carry out investigations on the frozen balloon, such as adding salt and looking at how to stop their eggs from melting.
Mr Jackson’s class continued the project by discussing what monster or monsters might’ve climbed out of the egg. The children then wrote some amazing poems about their monsters.
We all had such a fantastic morning and so much fun! Thank you so much to all who dressed up and took part in such a scientific terrific day.