This section includes all those young people who experience short but significant periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect their education.
It also includes young people who have a range of longer-term recognised mental health conditions (including, for example, ADHD).
Children may struggle with:
- Forming and maintaining relationships
- Attitudes to attainment
- Attendance
- Self-esteem
- Life outside school
What can Waltham School offer?
For all children at Waltham :
- Quality first teaching with appropriate differentiation
- A clear and consistent whole school behaviour policy and reward system
- PHSE curriculum incorporating social and emotional aspects of learning, relationships and sex education
- Class circle time
- Class worry box
- Anti-bullying policy
- Attendance and Punctuality policy
- Special Assemblies to celebrate positive attitudes as well as good work
- School trips, including a residential
- Work within the community, e.g. supporting church activities
- Interschool sports competitions, including dance and gymnastics
- Whole school musicals and drama productions
- Festival celebrations in church
- Key stage transition procedures
- Clubs
- Opportunities to take on leadership roles, e.g. Worship leaders, Owl Ministers, ECO Warriors
- A large outdoor space, including playground, field, quiet areas, vegetable garden, woodland, etc
- Active playtimes including optional organised activities with our sports assistant
- Access to IT to promote in-school communication skills, e.g. creating group PowerPoints
Support for targeted groups of children at Waltham may include:
- Timetabled support from our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
- Physical literacy with our sports assistant
- Lego therapy
- Time to talk intervention, e.g. board games, treasure hunts
- Year 6 secondary and class-to-class transition programmes
Targeted individual support at Waltham may include:
- Access to After School CReW Club
- 1:1 support in class and at breaktimes
- Access to outside agency input ( e.g. CAMHs, CFCS, Early Help, Adolescent Support Team, Chance UK)
- Pastoral support plans
- Flexible and scheduled sensory breaks from class
- Staggered start/end times to arrival/departure; start/end of lessons to avoid large groups