Performing Arts
Performing Arts at Waltham: Let your light shine
At Waltham we place the children at the centre of their learning, development and experiences, and our Performing Arts curriculum does exactly that!
We aspire to provide the children with countless opportunities to develop new and existing skills, deepen their passions and gain confidence and enjoyment in performance.
The Arts are a unique form of communication and can influence the way in which we feel, think and behave. They combine feelings and expression, thus enabling reflection and personal growth. We believe in the power this can have on guiding children to understand themselves and the world around them.
We offer every opportunity possible to our children to ensure they receive the education and school experience they deserve! We are very proud of our ‘Waltham’s Got Talent’ annual event , during which our children are able to show off their skills and talents-something they keep secret until the performance. They plan, prepare, perform and pleasantly surprise everyone with their amazing entries, that include for example singing, dance routines, comedy, magic shows and instrumental solos. The children even organise a panel of X-factor style judges who critique, praise and reward all entrants as well as the winner and two runners-up. These performances really do show just how talented our young people are!
In addition to our music curriculum, many of our children have individual lessons with our visiting tutor, Mrs Donnelly. Children are able to access piano lessons, singing lessons and coaching in musical theatre. Children are taught to a very high standard, which develops their confidence and personal self-esteem. They have the opportunity to take ABRSM exams, as well perform to others throughout the year.
One of the highlights of our calendar is the spring / summer concert that generally takes place in the village hall, where there is ample room for family and friends to join us. We enjoy performances from children who take music privately, as well as giving our choir the chance to perform, too.
Each year, we have a group of children Christmas themed songs at the Melton Light Switch-on event. Performing to a market-place full of shoppers, including our families, is always something to be proud of.
Our children are often asked to perform for the Mayor at their Christmas concert and sometimes we have participated in the Carols by Candlelight at Belvoir Castle. If there are village events, they perform there too, whether it's opening the Charter Fair or entertaining the crowds at our FOWS events, they absolutely embrace every opportunity with relish.
Our children also sing for the residents of Waltham Hall nursing home which is always very well-received.
Over the years the Vale choral event is another fantastic opportunity for our children to shine and they really do; often audience members comment on the natural talents and enthusiasm of our children in particular. Our school, along with 9 other schools from the Vale of Belvoir, have a series of 3 singing lessons from our partners at Leicestershire Arts and they all come to together on the day of the concert to rehearse as a mass choir for the first time. Their evening performance is well-attended and donations towards a nominated charity is well-supported, too. With over 200 voices it is a marvellous opportunity to be part of something special and it makes happy memories for all involved. Over the years, concert themes have included: songs from the shows, World War commemorative songs, Motown and Wind in the Willows; to name but a few.
In June 2022, Oak Class had the amazing opportunity to perform at the Nottingham's prestigious Albert Hall with over 350 other voices from schools in Rise. The event was organised by our Executive Headteacher, Mrs Hopkins and was a truly memorable occasion and one we will never forget. Please visit the link page below to read more about it.
Summer Concert 2022
Waltham Summer Concert (al fresco): Wednesday 30th June 2021
All our children receive dance lessons throughout the year and absolutely love the range of styles offered: ballroom, Latin, freestyle, country, and Morris dancing.
Our children perform and compete in local competitions as well as rehearsing hard to perform at our annual Maypole event. This Waltham tradition goes back many years and is something our children and families are really proud of.
Autumn News
Strictly Come Dancing Star, Robin Windsor, leads our dance classes.
As our children love to perform, we embrace every opportunity to put together a combination of music, dance and theatre in the form of a show or church service. Harvest, Christmas and Easter always present opportunities for our children and staff to be creative and let their talents shine. The whole school works together to celebrate the Christian festivals and there's always a quirky, modern twist to surprise everyone.
The biggest event of the year, takes place in the summer when we put on a whole school show on the stage at the village hall. It's a big extravaganza that engages the children in making props, scenery and costume, as well as learning lines, dance routines and songs. Sometimes our parents dare to perform and our teachers always manage to take centre stage at some point!
Some recent performances have included The Wizard of Oz, Cinderella & Rockerfella, The Jungle Book and Pirates v Mermaids.
All great fun and very memorable.