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01664 464269 Arbor

‘Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Sycamore Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class where Year 5 and 6 children will get the opportunity to gain independence, confidence and develop their individual identities in their final stages of primary school.


Year 5 and 6 provides opportunities for: responsibility, initiative and motivation, developing self-esteem, self-awareness and knowledge. Pupils will experience values such as perseverance, tolerance, teamwork and trust.


Across the academic year children will access lots of high quality texts covering all genres as well as being introduced to new mathematical concepts such algebraic equations and manipulating fractions. There are lots of opportunities to foster creativity as well as the biannual highlight of our residential trip!


We help them to grow into confident, independent learners who love coming to school. A key part of their journey is to bring together the children’s learning from across their time at Waltham-on-the-Wolds; to encourage them in developing interests and to support them in developing both self-responsibility and confidence as independent learners.


Our aim in Sycamore is to provide a supportive and rich springboard to secondary education and provide strong, confident learners with unique skills that are well equipped and prepared for their next stage of their journey in education.


Above all, we are proud to say our class are polite, fun-loving, respectful individuals who are superb role models for younger children at our school. They are a real asset to Waltham School.


Sycamore Class 2022

Banana Banana Meatball - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle

Patterns made of shapes, patterns made of grapes. Patterns in the air, patterns everywhere. Patterns in an app, patterns in this sing and dance alon...

Rainbow Breath - Flow | GoNoodle

Learn how to raise your energy and face your day with this exercise. Have fun with it!This video comes from GoNoodle's Flow channel. Flow gets kids to relax,...
