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01664 464269 Arbor

‘Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Q21: My child has SEND. I would like to look around. What do I need to do?

In our school we have a nominated governor who is responsible for SEND.


Their job is to meet with the SENDCO regularly. In these meetings the SEND governor ensures that children and families are being supported by the right services from in and outside of school. The SEND governor will also visit the school, observe what happens in classrooms and meet with class teachers, support staff and children. Other governors who make visits to monitor learning have a responsibility to report on how the needs of SEND children are being met in each lesson.


In addition, the Head of School and Executive Head teacher report to the Local Governing Body and RISE each term on pupils attainment and progress through their Report to Governors. The governors will challenge, support and advise the Head of School to ensure that appropriate provision is being made.
