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01664 464269 Arbor

‘Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed




Children are offered a healthy breakfast such as cereals and toast with milk or water to drink.



Our meals are freshly prepared by Relish and brought to Waltham by courier in special insulated containers. Our staff are fully trained in handling and serving food safely and at the correct temperatures.


We actively encourage good quality nutrition and children have a variety of choices of vegetables, salad and fruit each day.


  • Dinners cost £2.55 per day for pre-school children.


Dinners are to be booked and paid for in advance via your Relish account, please contact the school office for details on how to do this.


We also encourage healthy choices for children bringing packed lunches from home. Packed lunches need to include:


  • Something substantial (such as a sandwich, a wrap or some pasta).
  • Some vegetables or fresh fruit.
  • A yogurt or healthy dessert.
  • A drink (water or fruit juice).
  • We advise against sending sweets and fizzy drinks.


Fresh, cold water is available throughout lunchtime.


Please contact the school office for more advice or information if required. Dinners are served daily in pre-school where children eat together and enjoy a hot meal or packed lunch.



A variety of healthy snacks are served during the morning and afternoon sessions.

