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‘Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Cheque Presentation from The Charter Fair

On Friday 4th November, during our Special assembly, we had two very special guests. Mrs. Mota Stubbs and Mrs Fairhead, who are part of the FOWS, came to bring us a special gift. In September they held The Charter Fair, where they raised lots of money for our school and the village.


They presented Mrs Hopkins with a cheque for £700... fantastic news! We were thrilled and the children even started to suggest ways we could spend the money.


We are so thankful to all the people who attended and organised the Charter Fair. Your support and kindness continues to make Waltham-on-the-Wolds the creative and amazing school it is. We will use the money to help enrich the curriculum, eg. trips and visitors to school.


Thank you to all!
