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01664 464269 Arbor

‘Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Harvest Festival and Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Thursday 28th September, we went to St Mary Magdalene’s Church to celebrate our Harvest Festival.


Mrs Hopkins welcomed the parents then handed over to our Year 6s who led the service. Beech Class acted out the story of ‘Farmer Duck’ and Holly Class acted out the story, ‘The Enormous Story’.


Both classes explained to the school the importance of team work. Oak Class performed a short play script about team work and finished with a dance, ‘All in this Together’. Sycamore sang a Harvest song as a class. Finally, Reverend John ended the service with a Blessing. We were overwhelmed by the generous gifts, donated by parents, which Mrs Saunders later delivered to Tesco Food bank.


Mrs Garnet and Sycamore hosted a Macmillan Coffee morning in their classroom. Parents and families were invited along to enjoy a piece of cake, made by the children, with a cup of tea. We raised £200 for Macmillan.


Thank you to everyone who came and donated.
