Jubilee Celebrations in Waltham
Hi Everyone
We wanted to let you know of all the exciting things happening in Waltham church this week as part of the Queen's Jubilee celebrations, including this Sunday's special Jubilee/Pentecost Café Church at 3pm!
Wednesday starts at 9am with a short service of Prayers for healing & wholeness - with Holy Communion.
Wednesday from 10 am until 4pm it's Community Café - freshly brewed coffee, tea and yummy cake - Little Gems our parent/carer and baby/toddler group also meets then 10-1130 - and a chance to look at the Community Bunting made by the school, the Scout Group, pre-school, Waltham Hall, Little Gems, and people living in the village - it looks amazing - there will also be some Jubilee memorabilia displays from village groups and some special Jubilee flower displays in the church windows.
You can also visit the church Thursday, Friday or Saturday 11am-4pm to see the displays and refreshments will be available.
Sunday 5th June is Pentecost Sunday - the birthday of the Christian Church - so we will be holding a special Jubilee/Pentecost Café Church 3pm- we will be having tea/coffee/cake & sausage rolls and singing some hymns accompanied by the organ, with crafts and a special Jubilee Quiz.
As a lasting tribute to the Queen's Platinum Jubilee we have constructed and planted a Jubilee garden in the churchyard which will be officially opened by the Mayor of Melton at Sunday's Café church.
All the above is absolutely free of charge, but we would appreciate donations towards the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
We do hope that you can join us for any of the above.
Finally... if you are planning to come to Café Church on Sunday it would help us to plan catering if you could let us know you are coming. If you enjoy baking and would like to make some sausage rolls for Sunday please let us know.π Details in our Community section Our Church Community
We look forward to seeing you soon.
God bless
Mike & Chris