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01664 464269 Arbor

β€˜Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

KS2 Quicksticks Hockey

A great day was had at the hockey where 21 teams enjoyed competing in the sunshine. Waltham Y3/4 (4th place, 2nd-4th separated on goal difference) and Y5/6 (6th place) both in the excel events for their age groups, did a brilliant job of working together as a team. Games were won, lost and drawn, resilience and perseverance gained, and the biggest of smiles on show when goals were scored. With each game came greater understanding of the rules, positioning and improved handling of the stick which contributed to both teams finishing with wins against Redmile. Special mention to Charlie S for picking up a ‘Spirit of the Games’ award, nominated by an opposition team, for demonstrating fair-play. Well done to all involved and a big thank you to parent volunteers, the support allowed both age-groups the opportunity to compete. πŸ‘ πŸŒŸ 


For those interested, there is junior hockey training 6-7pm on Wednesday evenings at Melton Sports Village. More information can be found on the Melton Hockey Club website. 
