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01664 464269 Arbor

‘Let your light shine.’ Matthew 5:16

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Recognition for our Outstanding Sports Ambassador

Congratulations to our superstar in Year 6 for being nominated as Sports Ambassador of the Year at the Melton, Belvoir and Charnwood Sports Awards. This is what they said:


This superstar was new to the school this year and had an immediate impact on the children around him and his teachers. From his very first P.E session he was caring, always offering to help with equipment and set things up/ pack away. During tasks, competition or no competition, he would be seen and heard complementing other children's technique or saying how well they had played. His positive and respectful attitude took only 1 session before other children were doing the same, identifying when someone had done something well or giving it their best effort. He has changed attitude and behaviours across the school!


We are very proud of you indeed!
